Sunday, April 15, 2012

Anybody else do this???

Every couple of years, I take a break from my role as dad, husband, cook, cleaner, car washer, office manger, financial planner.... (you get the idea...) and take a 3-day trip to Vegas ALONE. I have asked my wife to join me, but she dislikes Vegas (for a number of reasons) and has no objections to me taking these trips alone (me tyhinks she enjoys the alone time as well....). My sole purpose and function on these trips is to simply gamble. I play VP and BJ (no slots, no craps, no roulette, no shoping trips, no buffets). I just enjoy the fun of gambling in Vegas and the 24/7 activity.

I sleep for about 3 hours a night andf find the best time to play black jack is at about 4:00am downtown at Four Queens. I love to listen to the casino ';wake up'; every morning as the noise level gradually grows from the occasional ringing bell on a slot jackpot to a constant mix of shouts, rings, bells and yells that peaks at about 2:00 pm and starts receding again at about 1:00am. By the end of my third day (win or lose), I will have had enough of the Vegas life to last me another couple of years.

When my friends ask me why I don%26#39;t go with somebody, I don%26#39;t have a real answer other than ';Why?'; . By myself, I get to come and go as I please, gamble everywhere from the dives to the palaces, eat when and where I want and sleep (or not) when the mood hits me.

Anybody else out there go to Vegas by themsleves? Or am I just a little ';different';?

Anybody else do this???

Most of Vegas trips are now solo- for many of the reasons you mentioned. No ';Where do you want to eat? What do you want to do?'; type situations. Get up when I want and go to bed when I want. I usually travel 7-9 times a year and except for Vegas- there is always someone(or more) with me. I enjoy other people%26#39;s company. I am not a hermit or anti-social but I do need a ';Me Me Me'; trip all by myself.

Anybody else do this???

Just got back from a trip to Vegas on my own. I don%26#39;t enjoy gambling, but I love the electricity of the strip and just the overall over-the-topness of Vegas. I enjoy just walking the strip at night seeing so many people enjoying themselves. Like you, 2 or 3 days is plenty to last me a year or two. My wife hates Vegas too so she doesn%26#39;t mind.

I enjoy planning these trips (using TA of course) and this time I spent a day out in Death Valley which turned out to be a travel highlight of my life.

So you%26#39;re not alone, but I%26#39;m guessing we are a bit ';different';.

I go to AC for day trips by myself every once in a while. I love it!! Its not like you are sitting alone in an empty room - you are surrounded by thousands of people and there%26#39;s plenty of ';entertainment'; around you at all times. I love the freedom of being able to sit at a table for as long or as short as I want to without having to coordinate and meet up every hour.

Anybody else out there go to Vegas by themsleves? Or am I just a little ';different';?

Yes you are different!!! But I do the same sometimes because my wife is waaayyyy to good to me.

Almost once a year, for last few years, I%26#39;ve been doing that also.

In between, I go with my wife, but once a year, for 3 days, is my way of relaxing also.

In fact, I am going there alone in 2 weeks, july 17th, and win or lose, I know, I%26#39;ll come back completely relaxed and fresh, ready to continue my normal life for another year

I have never done this but I would in a heartbeat. Every Labor Day I go for 3-4 days with my best friend - girls only trip. I WISH I could get my husband to either go with a friend or by himself because he gets so jealous of our girls trip. I honestly would be fine with him going without me once a year.

I would be more than willing to go solo, but my husband always wants to come too, LOL.

mmcguy, I go by myself 4-6 times a year. With my wife about 2 or 3. Like Dragon, I%26#39;m a lucky guy.

Problem I have is, I hate eating alone

I mean I really hate it. Some days, I wake up, go downstairs, drink my coffee behind a slot machine, and then my screw drivers, and soon I realize its 4 PM!!!!!!!!!

Anyone else has a problem, with eating alone?

I LOVE to go Alone!

Musicman - I don%26#39;t like to eat alone either. I usually stumble to my room at 1:00 am and order room service. I do room service for breakfast too and I usually ';drink'; my lunch unless I%26#39;m at a spa.

  • zits
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