Seems to me i get a virus or my computer starts acting funny when i have downloaded wizard of odds to play that happening to anyone else?
Does anyone's computer get a VIRUS from wizard of odds?
What symptoms are you getting? I%26#39;ve been on that website a few times and now whenever i go to my internet explorer crashes 50% of the time. I don%26#39;t know if that was the cause but I have scanned for both spyware and viruses - nothing was found.
Does anyone's computer get a VIRUS from wizard of odds?
My computer would get ';hung'; activity would process...and i would have to constantly reboot. ....and talk about s...l....o....w
try this no download needed
HMMMM. U need to see a doctor and get a SHOT for what U caught.
I have Virus protection operating actively.
SPEND some money for a Virus Protection program.
Did you download a game directly from Wizard of Odds or just play a game via one of their links?
Never had a problem at Wizzard of Odds site or Bodgo site. I go to them at least weekly if not more than that. Of course I have Zone Alarm which gives me firewall, anti virius, etc...
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