Sunday, April 15, 2012

Boy there is some old stuff poppng up today

Boy there is some old stuff poppng up today.

Boy there is some old stuff poppng up today

chitown- where ya%26#39; been bro%26#39;? There have been kook posts and nut jobs running amok for days.

Boy there is some old stuff poppng up today

underpar wrote- ';where ya%26#39; been bro%26#39;? There have been kook posts and nut jobs running amok for days.';

Hey, leave Lowrance out of this!!!

My ho,me computer died and the boss is touchy about the amount of time I spend on this site so I won%26#39;t be around much until I can ressurrect or replace the home computer.

Lady and I am going to be in Las Vegas on July 22 to 26, Golden Nugget

An open trip to the Atomic etc. is planned for the 22nd leaving the Vue Bar at the Fitz at 6:00 pm for poitnts east.

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