Sunday, April 15, 2012

Just let them be

Since TA felt the need to supress the regular poster comments (something they seem to be able to do quickly) I will add my two cents here.

I am kind of with Tomvegas on this one. I think letting the trolls know it bugs you only adds fuel to the fire. I think writing TA is a good idea because they will protect the forum at some point. Complaining regulars will make a dent because without them the forum dies. Also it is hard when there is a troll buddy/fan who just lurks around to cause trouble and act like a regular poster. It is summer and this will be happening a lot. I try not to post while the attacks are on going and won鈥檛 post on their posts.

Just let them be

Agree 100%.

';If we leave, the terrorsits win'; -George W. Bush.

Ooops? Did I just quote the prez? What%26#39;s wrong with me? ;)

Just let them be

';I think writing TA is a good idea because they will protect the forum at some point. '; do we send them an e-mail/letter? Is there a link on our forum page here somewhere?? usually works for e-mails

Thanks lulutoo!!

Don%26#39;t ask Dragon...he still has trouble figuring out how to do a TR!


Thanks Lulu! I think we should all send a message to TA, explaining in our own way, the importance of this forum and that people are getting fed up!

I also think if we all stop posting the troll wins... Don%26#39;t let them ruin our fun or let us stop sharing our individual knowledge of Las Vegas!

this should work too

I report the inappropriate post thingie...

In my letter last night, I offered a few suggestions as to help us regular posters deal with the problem.

I have never ever seen this happen on any other forum.

Yes people ask a tipping question to get people riled up. But nothing like the ones on this website. Its kinda pathetic they have nothing better to do than harass TA.


You lumberjacks are mean! cute but mean.

Tom it is okay you can get a pardon very easily I hear.

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