Following on from bedlambottle TR I was wondering if anyone had any more information about the above?
I didn%26#39;%26#39;t even know it exsisted, has anyone else been and what is the atmospehere like? We are a couple of 29 %26amp; 30
Pussycat Dolls Lounge - any info?
And before anyone screams at me (you know who you are), I did do a search but there was no reports from people who had actually beem and thats what I am looking for
Pussycat Dolls Lounge - any info?There is a Pussycat Doll casino area inside CP, right outside Pure. I believe it is only open Friday and Saturday. They have girls like the Pussycat Dolls (that kind of clothing, attitude, etc.) dealing the games and also others dancing above the tables.
The Pussycat Doll Lounge is inside Pure nightclub. There are several different Dolls who come out and dance or do a little routine thing, at regular intervals. There is no continuous entertainement though.
We got in for free, and it was fine. A few overpriced drinks and we were ready to leave. I think a lot of people believe that it is the actual Pussycat Dolls that perform there, but they don%26#39;t.
What would you like to know? The lounge where they do their show is inside the Pure nightclub. The first show is at 10-10:30, and then repeats are every hour or hour-and-a-half. I was amazed by the length of the show, about 40 minutes. It is definately worth seeing!
I was at Caesar%26#39;s last week and checked out the Pussycat dolls casino area and man I have to tell you in all honesty, it is pretty darned lame. You have several tables of blackjack being dealt and the dealers I saw were women that were probably hot about 10 years ago, but now just have breast implants, but look like they smoked too many cigarettes. The 2 girls dancing in the cages were nice but all in all the whole scene was kind of creepy in that you had a few middle aged guys and a few young guys playing at these half empty tables leering at some old broad in a skimpy outfit dealing blackjack while thinking all the while that they look cool cause they are at the Pussycat casino.
Caesar%26#39;s made a mistake on this one. It%26#39;ll be gone in a year or 2.
So if you go to the PCD lounge early can you stay in Pure for the nightclub ,or get your hand stamped and leave and come back.?
Our two girls 21-23 would be green with envy(not to mention embarrassed)at the thought of their parents in Pure.
I agree...
let me clarify... i agree with tomvegas
I was there in May with the wife and a few friends. We all agreed that the Pussycat doll lounge was much better than Pure. The lounge had an awsome DJ that would play in between perfornmances. IMHO Its totally worth checking out if you can get there early and bypass the long lines.
Drinks were the most expensive that i have encountered in Vegas so far. ($34.00) for (2) Henessey and cokes! I was about to tell the bartender to drink them himself!
PS. Kendra from ';The Girls Next Door'; was partying at Pure the night we were there.
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