Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cheap flights London - Las Vegas

I%26#39;d like some advice on when the cheapest flights to Las Vegas from London are available. I%26#39;m fairly flexible about what time of year I go on holiday so I could move my 2008 holiday by months if necessary in order to find the best deal. If anyone has any recommendations about dates, airlines, websites etc I%26#39;d be grateful.

Cheap flights London - Las Vegas


The only airline I have flown to Vegas with is Virgin Atlantic. If you go to their website you can sign up for desk top alerts notifying you of special offers and sale times. I would try %26amp; avoid kids school holiday times, I paid more in August than in Feb/March.

Happy planning!


Cheap flights London - Las Vegas

Flights should not be your main concern.If you save 200 on flights and the room costs you a 1000 more ,how much have you saved.

Find the cheapest time to book a room and work around that.


Hi Mauve2

We are flying direct with virgin from Gatwick. Sometimes they have special offers on their website. Also a company called Maxjet go direct from Stansted.

There are plenty of others that are indirect. I would look up expedia and check - Good Luck.

Times when rooms in Vegas might be less expensive during the next year as they are slower times in Vegasr:

Sept 3-7, 2007

Nov 18-22, 2007

Dec 15-27, 2007

Jan 1-4, 2008 and possibly Jan 6-11, 2008

May 26-30 and June 1-6

You might also check Dec 1-7 for this year, I got good room rates then and depending on days of travel, airfares can be decent during this time period.

One of the other posters said to avoid school holiday times and that%26#39;s true, however that means US as well as holiday times where you are.

gabby, CES is Jan 7-10 2008. As you did say ';possibly'; you%26#39;re forgiven!

For those that don%26#39;t know, CES (Consumer Electronics Show) is one of the year%26#39;s biggest conventions and hotel rates are ridiculously high.

EEK!!! And thank you, Blagger.

That convention may drive up room rates, too bad they are don%26#39;t put tons of money in people%26#39;s pockets that work in Vegas. That convention is known as a tight fisted one as far as tipping goes.

I agree with firsttimer123, the hotel is what you should look at first. I have just booked my spring 2008 Vegas holiday (travelling from Manchester) and like yourself I was totally flexible on dates so I did lots of internet research on prices to get the best deal for me. Weekends are always more expensive for the hotels, but I also found huge variations in room costs from week to week. Originally I had planned to get the flight first and book the hotel later, but I realised that this could cost me a lot of extra money if I chose the wrong week. I ended up looking at the hotel%26#39;s rate schedule for each month in 2008 and selecting the cheapest week to book. I had already verified that the flight price for that week was okay, but it wasn%26#39;t that much different to the week before or after. Have you tried some research on expedia or travelocity to compare prices of the different airlines?

Hi mauve,

Some good advice given. No point getting a cheap flight in November only to find out that it%26#39;s convention month in Vegas!

Direct flights are available with Virgin and Maxjet, though Maxjet is an all-business airline, so not that cheap; check out their website as they do have early booking fares. Non-stop flights are usually the most expensive way to travel to Vegas.

If you can suffer a little bit of inconvenience, then take an indirect flight. Most US airlines will let you stopover at their hub city, and I have sometimes spent a weekend in the city before flying onto Vegas - Sun - Thur is the least expensive time to stay in Vegas as rates often double over the weekend! Check flight comparision sites - I%26#39;ve used and they were very good for flight/car hire prices.

Speaking of hotels - it%26#39;s usually best to book direct with the hotel as they often guarantee their rates. Eg. If you book a room and the room rate is subsequently reduced, you need to call the hotel and they will update your booking with the lower rate! Check for some good deals, or

Major tour operators in the UK now seem to offer package deals, but I%26#39;ve never taken one, so I can%26#39;t comment.

Hope this helps. There%26#39;s lots of information on this forum too! The search facility isn%26#39;t the greatest, but you should be able to find some useful threads on specific hotels, airlines etc!



You can get much better deals by taking a flight to a hub like New York and taking a (dirt cheap) internal flight (check out

My partner %26amp; I got flights to San Fran from London (we are going there first) for something like 430 each (coming back from Denver so this adds to the cost).

We are staying at the Luxor, total price for 5 nights is something like 700 dollars. We found that late August/early September hotel rooms seemed much cheaper.

This trip is from 24 Aug - 7 Sept (we are visiting places in between).

The flights were booked with Travelocity.. although I do NOT recommend them as they messed things up... but that is another diatribe :)

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